Taxi in Kiev

Taxi is a sort of public transport. Usually it is used to transport passengers and cargo to any specified place of Kiev with a payment for the travel. Sometimes the price is calculating using a taximeter, sometimes you can make an arrangement with the taxi driver by yourself, sometimes the price is calculating by the taxi company or taxi program in the internet. In few words, price depends on the method of order. And our Concierge Group offers you the optimal prices for taxi service in Kiev.
Usually sedans, minivans and limousines are used as cars in taxi companies in Kiev. In Ukraine taxi drivers coordinate their actions with the taxi companies and its dispatchers. Dispatchers can send an order to drivers by radio or by phone. Usually taxi drivers use GPS in their cars. To indicate themselves taxi drivers in Kiev use special checkers on the top of the car. We also call this checkers as a top light box. Usually the checkers are yellow, and sometimes they are white.
Taxi which does not have booking and passenger transportation infrastructure belongs to separate category. Such a kind of taxi fulfills passengers’ order by means of direct integration with infrastructure of a great number of real taxis. A passenger’s call or fulfilled online application goes into distributive centre from which, taking into consideration customer service priority gets into information system of dozens of taxi companies. As a result – the possibility of selecting a car according to its rate or other criterion as well as significantly stronger probability of car delivery.
Our Concierge Group offers you taxi in Kiev and its services only of the most reliable agencies of our city, approved themselves in transport market. Therefore you may be sure that our partners will meet you on time and will take you to any corner of Kiev without any delay. Furthermore, we guarantee absolute safety and confidentiality while using taxi service in Kiev. If you do not have time or opportunity to call in a taxi in Kiev, please call the Concierge Group, and save your time considerably.