To order a butler service in Kiev or Ukraine, please contact us at any convenient time!
Our advantages:1. Only qualified butlers.
We are very strict in the selection of butlers. All our specialists are certified in The International Institute of Modern Butlers (USA), which indicates a high level of service and education.
2. Years of experience.
Company provides butler service for many years. This testifies us as a professionals in the personal service organization.
3. Optimal prices.
The low cost of the butler service isn’t always an evidence of good quality. Our prices are optimal and reasonable!
4. We save your time!
You can order a butler service at any time. Orders are taken in our company on round-the-clock base by the shift, consisting of several people. So you will be able to call us any time and solve any problem.
5. Confidentiality.
Concierge Group guarantees you complete privacy and services of the highest class.
6. «Rent-a-Butler» service.
This service is convenient and interesting. Its is a temporary assistance for you, where one man (Butler) will combine all of the serving staff in one person.
Qualities of our butlers:
- reliability;
- devotion, ability to keep secret — the employer and his family shouldn’t suffer because of garrulity or imprudence of the butler;
- aspiration to make life of the employer and his family comfortable;
- tactfulness, not persistence, observance of a professional distance, knowledge of traditions, preferences of a family;
- punctuality;
- good organizing abilities;
- attention to details.

To order a butler service in Kiev or Ukraine, please contact us at any convenient time!
History of butlersThe butler is the senior footman, the head of a householding. In big estates where management of economy can be divided between several people, the butler is responsible for a dining room, a wine cellar and a still-room. He can also be completely responsible for main part of the mansion while all other economy is under authority of the housekeeper. The butler, as a rule the man, directs man’s servants in the house, and the housekeeper — female ones. In modern houses the duties of the butler can vary quite widely depending on requirements of the employer.
Modern butlers
Since the end of the 1980th, inquiry for butlers significantly grew all around the world. As the vice-chairman of the International guild of professional butlers Charles McPherson (English Charles MacPherson) notes, the reason is in increase number of wealthy people for whom the help in management of an extensive householding was necessary. So, according to McPherson, the number of rich people in China grew and that created great demand for the qualified butlers who were trained according to the European traditions.
There is a demand for such experts also in other Asian countries, in particular in India, and also in oil-producing countries of the Middle East. In Great Britain by 2007 the number of butlers had increased to 5 000 people. The inquiry for professional butlers grows in Ukraine.
Duties of butlers
In the XXI century the duties of butlers extended due to work which was performed earlier by the younger personnel. Stephen Ferri (English Steven M. Ferry), professional butler and author of the book «Batlers, majordomos and managing directors of the householding. Professionals of the XXI century», claims that the image of the butler with the tray, serving at a table and spilling wine, became out-of-date. Today employers want butlers capable to cope with various householding chores: from a traditional serving at dinner to valet and the personal secretary.
Butlers can work today also for corporations, embassies, cruise liners, yachts or to do own small business of «Rent-a-Butler» providing temporary employees.
We provide services only of qualified butlers in Kiev, Ukraine and all over the world!