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Your personal assistant

Concierge Group is your personal assistant in Kiev and throughout Ukraine. We are your personal assistant in any question. We are always at your disposal. A personal assistant or personal aide is somebody who assists the CEO of a company or an individual person in daily pursuits. Personal assistant is expected to be able to think ahead, which means that he/she must foresee his/her chief’s need even before it has been expressed; besides he/she is supposed to anticipate the events and to be able to interchange from Plan A to Plan B if necessary.

where do we work?

Our answer is always "yes" !


How can we help?

Brief list of our services:

  • To kindly remind you concerning meetings, calls and other important events
  • To organize your trip by choosing and booking hotels and tickets
  • To send documents by fax, mails or via e-mail
  • To surf for necessary information
  • To fulfill personnel selection
  • To search for documents models, e. g. agreements or letters
  • To do shopping for you on the Internet
  • To make receipt and processing of correspondence and emails
  • To make recognition of the scanned documents
  • To send emails and letters to your clients
  • To make compilation of reports according to your data
  • To create presentations
  • To organize conference calls
  • Transliteration – (to make transition from audio to textual form)
  • To make accounting paperwork

Employment of a personal assistant is a kind of outsourcing for the company. A lot of personal assistant’s tasks involve the use of the telephone and internet. In order to reduce communication costs, they use various kinds of IP communication are used. The range of personal assistant’s tasks include almost everything expected of an ordinary assistant.

Travel with us - feel the life!

Advantages of a remote assistant
Staff member
You must spend your precious time to check the tasks imposed on the staff member
You pay at least a wage
You pay taxes for the staff member
Staff member can get ill, go on sick leave or the maternity leave
You won’t be able to be confident for preserving personal data, and you will worry about information disclosure among your subordinates
The staff member’s work area needs to be organized and his/her associated accessories must be supplied
If you fall afoul of with the staff member – you must look for a new one, waste your time and also train him or her
Online Assistant
We control and we check the work of the Online Assistant – you always get a high-quality result
You pay for result, the fewer tasks – the less license fee is
You don’t need to pay taxes for the staff member
Online Assistant is always accessible
Online Assistant doesn’t know your employees – you can be confident for preserving corporate secret
Online Assistant doesn’t needed to buy the computer or to equip his/her work area
You can replace an careless assistant with another one at any time

Most frequent orders, received by Concierge Group, are those that are associated with travelling. This kind of requests usually makes about 80%. It may be any kind of services ranging from personal assistance in obtaining visas and passports, booking hotels up to renting Hummers, limousines, charters, ships and yachts. Anything you say in Kiev or Ukraine is absolutely not a problem for us.

The remaining 20% are usually divided between the orders of various issues. It can be orders for booking of the VIP-sky boxes at the soccer match or booking tickets for motor rally, private concerts etc. In addition, such services as flower delivery, taxi service, gifts selection and booking tables in elite restaurants are also very popular. But unusual orders make about 1% of the total quantity. This percentage includes the most incredible orders and requests that are rather complicated to be carried out. Someone wants to rent the sport track in order to drive his car there, someone needs to bring an elephant to the cottage, and someone wants to fly over Kiev in a balloon — thanks to the huge number of personal contacts and established networks, the staff of Concierge Group is able to meet and assist with the most fantastic wishes in Kiev and throughout Ukraine. This is due to the fact that we are the best personal assistant and nothing is impossible for our specialists in Kiev or in Ukraine!


Here you can get a membership and check more info.

Please contact us with any questions and problems.

There is nothing impossible for us!