If you travel frequently or travel on business trips to other countries, of course it is important for you to be sure that, if necessary, you will be provided with highly qualified medical care. We will help you avoid risks. With the program of «Medicine Abroad», you will always be sure that if you are sick or injured, you will be provided with high-quality medical care in a timely manner.
Our specialists will consult you about possible foci of disease that are in your chosen country for recreation, and also will prompt you what safety methods can be taken. We will present you a highly qualified medical specialist who, based on your medical history, will calculate all possible risks and give recommendations on how to stay in one country or another.
If necessary, we will help you find a highly qualified doctor abroad. During our work, we managed to establish partnerships with medical centers and private clinics around the world. We will provide you access to the best world specialists.
Also our specialists provide assistance in specialized treatment abroad. We will help you find a specialized medical institution in any part of the world, and the foreign partners of the company will provide guaranteed discounts for treatment and medical products.