Excursion Concierge Group
In this sphere we offer You the following:
Excursions in Kiev
Kiev is an ancient city, which was founded more than 1500 years ago. Concierge Group offers you to go sightseeing in our capital and select one of the excursions in Kiev. The newer part of the city is on the left bank of the Dnieper River. It is one of the largest in Europe and is one of the attractions of Kiev. Mainly the left bank was built after World War II. Old part of the city on the right bank is more interesting for visiting. It is the place where Kyiv’s numerous hills are abounded with ancient castles, fortifications, cupolas of old churches and cathedrals. Kiev has something to offer not only to it’s guests but also to people who have been living here all their life, Since ancient times, when Kiev was the mother of all Russian cities, here has remained a lot of secrets and mysteries that Concierge Group offers you to conceive together with our service.

The history of our city is very exciting and worth visiting. Kiev has survived a lot of great events both rises and falls. This is due to that Kiev deserves the pride of the citizens of Ukraine and respect of guests who visit the capital. Our city keeps a lot of secrets but even its accessible part of history knows not all. Stories about the process of construction and changing the city, how it conquered the neighboring areas not only using its mighty and sword, but also the word, loyal ruling, faith and beliefs, how it was conquered, was destroyed and then rebuilt, this all happened more than once during the ages of Kiev’s history. History of our capital is very interesting, because here discoveries were made and events that influenced the history of Ukraine and neighboring countries took place. As far back as the IX century in the famous annals “Tale of Bygone Years” was said that “Kyiv is the mother of all Russian cities. The same inscription can be seen on the ruins of the Church of the Dormition of the Virgin in the historical centre of Kiev. It was engraved on the ancient stone in the XII century.
Excursion (derived from the Latin word «excursion» – a tour, a walk) – visiting different places of interests, such as museums, monuments and cultural city sights, exhibitions etc. by a group of people. A walk or a trip aimed at educational and scientific enrichment, sports and entertainment. Demonstrations of tourist places of interests are conducted under the supervision of a qualified expert, i.e. a guide who explain the tourist group the idea and the history of this or that cultural object, gives an estimation of the historic site and tells about the events associated with this historical monument. An excursion is a kind of self-employment and it is a part of a tourist services complex.
This information we provide to those who are looking for interesting materials about our city, who wants to know how Kiev was built and changed. Here you can find the most enthralling, obscure and unusual facts about the history of our capital. It is we the Concierge Group who will organize you the most curious and unforgettable excursions in any language of the world absolutely free of charge. Kiev is an ancient city and keeps many secrets and mysteries. We want to tell you about the history and mightiness of our beloved city. Concierge Group offers you only the most reliable excursion bureaus in Kiev. It is not a problem for us to arrange a trip around Kiev, regardless of the number of people, their preferences and tastes. We love our city and we want you to love it as well as we do it. Entrust the Concierge Group with organization of your most memorable excursion around Kiev.
Excursions in Kiev can be divided in overviews (multidimensional ones), thematic, advertising and training. A sightseeing tour aims to review many topics at once, using contemporary and historical material. This tour is based mainly on the demonstration of such objects as cultural and historic monuments and buildings, natural features, industrial and agricultural enterprises. During overview excursions one can get a close-up and overall view of the city, state or country. The chronological framework that such a tour encompasses is the whole «life» of the city from the very first mention of it in annals up to the recent times, giving the information about its possible prospects of development.
Thematic excursions in Kiev are dedicated to the disclosure of one particular subject. Thematic tours can be divided into the following subtypes: historical (archaeological, historical and regional studies, historical and biographical, ethnographic, historical, military, excursions to various historical museums), manufacturing (industrial, economic, industrial, historical, vocational orientation for students, production and technical), ecological or natural history, art (history and music, historical drama, in places of artists life and work, folk crafts, the exhibition halls and art galleries, museums, workshops of sculptors and painters), literature (literary and artistic, historical, literary, literary-biographical), architectural and urban development (with a display of architectural buildings of the city, which shows the historical monuments, which give an idea of the architect’s work).
Training or educational tour can be viewed as a kind of academic work for different groups of tourists (demonstration tour, tutorial tour, training tour for special audience, lesson tour).By the number and composition of excursion members the excursions in Kiev can be divided into: individual, collective, for local population, to visiting tourists, for adults or for schoolchildren.
According to the places that are to be visited the tours can be divided into: suburban, urban, museum tours. By way of travelling the excursions are divided into: hiking, travel (consists of 2-parts: the excursion story told along the way about different monuments, when the group follows the guide + analyzing places of interest when the tourist bus stops). In can be held in the form of: walk-tour, concert-tour (devoted usually to one particular musical theme), theatre-tour (organized to show a certain play) and a crowd-tour.
The Excursion Concierge Group offers you to organize various exciting excursions in Kiev. For example, excursions around Kiev at your option: bus excursions around Kiev, walking tours around Kiev, excursions around night Kiev, water excursions along the Dnieper River, to admire all the beauty of Kiev.