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Exchange rates in Ukraine

Exchange rates in Ukraine

Hryvnia is a national currency of Ukraine. Below you can find exchange rates of Ukraine hryvnia to different currencies. It is necessary for all travelers to know about the exchange rates in the visited country. If travelers know the course they can be sure that nobody will fool them with the exchange rates in Ukraine. You can find the currency convector here as the easiest way to convert your money. We hope it will be useful for you.

Here is the currency convector. Wright the sum and see how much money it will be in other currencies.

The word «hryvna» is derivative from «mane». The story gives many references to the manner of wearing of gold grivna, representing gold plates, usually of circular shape, often used as an instrument of payment, pinned by a wire. The name «hryvna» comes from grivna that was used even in Kievan Russia, in the XI century. I. K. Kondratyev noted in 1893: “Grivna has been known since the foundation of Russia and had threefold meaning: as a mark of distinction, a well-known weight and as a coin.”The symbol of the hryvna is a manuscript version of the Cyrillic letter “g” with 2 horizontal lines, symbolizing stability, as in the signs of other currencies, for example or €. The official abbreviation is «grn», for both the Ukrainian and the Russian languages. The symbol of hryvna is almost identical to the symbol of the ancient Roman measure of weight — dimidia (a half). The difference is in the quantity of horizontal lines: the sign hryvna has two lines; the Roman unit of weight has one.

During approximately 2 years after the appearance of the hryvna conversion rate to the US dollar remained at the rate of 2 UAH./$. After the crisis of 1998, the rate fell to about 5,5 UAH/$. Since April 2005 the management of the National Bank of the country for 3 years supported the fixed official rate 5,05 UAH./$. In June 2008, the official conversion rate changed to 4,85 UAH./$. Since July 2008 the official rate of exchange has been subjected to frequent changes as the National Bank of Ukraine announced about smooth transition from the fixed exchange rate to the floating one. In some times the official rate of exchange differed substantially from the commercial, which was used to make the exchange.At the close of the 2010 year one Ukrainian hryvna was exchanged to about four Russian rubles or 8,00 UAH/$. During 2012 the hryvna conversion rate to US dollar fluctuated in a narrow range of 7.9-8.2 hryvnas for 1 United State’s dollar and 3,70-4,30 Russian rubles for one hryvna.


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