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National cuisine of Ukraine

National cuisine of Ukraine

More information and a table reservation of restaurants in Kiev with a national cuisine of Ukraine.

Pickles are the common name for salted-fermented vegetables and berries, corned vegetables and mushrooms, marinaded vegetables, mushrooms and fruit. Spread of marinating in this country in recent years and reduction of the true fermentation and salting is a negative phenomenon, and it deals with an urban population increase as in conditions of the city the storage of marinades is possible, and storage of pickles is difficult. With fermentation and salting foods continue to live in the certain biosphere of enzymes and fungi, while in the marinade all living things in the product die. So this determines the inestimable physiological and nutritional value of the first, and sometimes harm of the latter ones. Gustatory quality of the marinade is low too — they are uniform in taste. All kinds of pickles are used mainly as cold dishes and partly as side dishes to the second courses of meat, poultry and game, as well as for the first courses dressings.

Lard (salo) is an animal fat that is under the skin near the kidney, in the abdominal cavity. Functionally, the lard (salo) is regarded as a nutritious reserve in the body of the animal organism, consisting mainly of triglycerides and containing large amounts of saturated fatty-acid residues. Lard (salo) is eaten fresh, salted, smoked, boiled, stewed or fried. It is rich in vitamins.

Jellied Meat (Kholodets) is a dish thickened to jelly because of the cooling of the meat broth with diced meat. Jellied meat (kholodets) is not a form of aspic, as the jelly-like consistency of aspic dishes is a consequence of the use of gelling agents such as gelatin and agar-agar, a jellied meat (kholodets) is a separate dish without any supplementation. Also, sometimes the name «jellied meat» (kholodets) is applied to a dish prepared from pig or pig and beef broth.

Pancakes (Nalistnyky) are spring rolls, a dish that is made from the fresh egg batter on the hot greased pan. Pancakes (nalistnyky) served with a variety of dishes, sour cream, and stuffed with jam, mushrooms, meat, berries, cottage cheese, raisins, boiled cereals, fish eggs, etc.

Beet-Root Soup (Borsch) is a kind of soup based on the beet, a traditional dish of Ukrainian cuisine. By now it was spread among many nations of Eastern and Central Europe. Particularly, it began to be included in the national cuisines of Russia, Poland, Belarus, Romania, Moldova, and Lithuania. This real soup you can try only in Ukraine. Beet gives beet-root soup (borsch) a characteristic red colour.

Kapustnyak is a traditional Ukrainian kind of soup made from sauerkraut. It is an analogue of Russian cabbage soup but they are not the same dishes as cabbage soup is prepared exclusively from sauerkraut. It is a traditional dish for the Christmas table.

Dumplings (Varenyky) is a Slavic dish that is most common in Ukrainian cuisine in the form of boiled products of flour and water dough stuffed with minced meat, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits and berries, cottage cheese. Meat pockets of Eastern Russia and Siberia, and kalduny of Western Russia, Italian ravioli and many dishes of traditional Chinese cuisine are similar to dumplings (varenyky). The main difference between these dishes and dish from national Ukrainian cuisine is fillings and the external shape of the dish.

Deruny are potato pancakes, a dish of Ukrainian cuisine. Traditionally, deruny served hot with sour cream, butter, uzdor (lard) or gravy.

Chicken Kiev is a kind of cutlet, representing itself tenderized chicken fillet, which is rolled with a piece of cold butter (initially butter was driven in the meat with a food beater, giving fillet a creamy taste, with in-line production butter was wrapped). The resulting chicken Kiev has an ellipsoidal shape. It is covered with eggs, breaded and baked tempura. Grated cheese, mushrooms, herbs, yolk, etc. can be added to the butter. This dish is served on the croutons. At one of the chicken Kiev ends can be fixed a chicken bone, and when it is served to the table this bone is covered with a curler.

Pampushka is Ukrainian small round bun of yeasted dough with the size of a walnut or a small apple. Pampushky served to soup, and preferably pampushky with garlic. Unlike doughnuts, pampushky are not roasted but often baked.

Apple Pie is one of the most common varieties of pie, which is stuffed with apples. Since apples are one of the most affordable temperate zone fruit, apple pie is one of the main desserts cooked by different European nations, including Ukrainian. In the Middle Ages apple pies usually began to be baked after ripening apples, that is by the autumn, apple pie was strongly associated with the harvest festival and the fast incoming of autumn.

More information and a table reservation of restaurants in Kiev with a national cuisine of Ukraine.


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