How can you explain someone, who had never heard about RHCP, that this band creates amazing and unforgettable music? Surely, you can mention that they have 30 years of experience, worldwide popularity; they sold more than 80 million copies of their albums, and actually you can’t but mention the album “Stadium Arcadium” that became #1 in the USA. But you have already lost the best variant. The only thing you should have done was to take this man or woman to the yesterday’s concert, for him or her to hear everything with their own ears.
You must obligatory mention their talent to create songs, which are so different, but each of them is fulfilled with sunlight, drive and juicy riffs. Their music is somehow saturated with funk and Californian energy. You can’t help mentioning that the equipment, which musicians have brought with them, was obviously worth it, because the sound quality was really impressive. The deinstallation of the equipment will continue for 2-3 days. We must also mention the visuals and the work of cameraman – it was a beautiful clip-like video on the screens during the whole show, and it was filmed immediately. The show was extremely professional and everything seemed to be just perfect.
But actually all of this doesn’t matter. The only thing, which is important are the emotions that transform the impressions, which consists of track titles and different details of the show into one big multicoloured spot in the memory of the people, who were lucky to be there. I’m sure they will never forget this day.
Flea, a legendary bass player of the group, has already pledged his love to Kiev public. He does it after every concert, though. But we don’t care, because this love is so mutual.
It was truly amazing! It was when old dreams came true. Red Hot Chili Peppers made a really great show, and everything, including music quality and visuals, was at top-level. There was also a feeling of something very comforting and very friendly. Thank them. They are a truly legendary band.