Weather in Kiev
Below you can find the weather forecast for the next five days. We hope that the weather in Kiev will not prevent your plans. Our best regards to you.
Weather forecast in Kiev is a scientifically and technically based supposition about the future atmosphere condition in a certain place. For thousands of years people were trying to forecast, but official weather forecasts appeared only in the XX century. To make a weather forecast certain quantitative data about a current atmosphere condition is collected and with a help of the atmosphere processes scientific understanding the changes in atmosphere can be explained and projected. Earlier the forecasts were mainly based on the changes in barometric pressure, current weather conditions and state of the sky, today different forecasting models to predict the weather are used. The participation of a person is required to select the most appropriate forecasting model, on which the forecast will be based. It will include an ability to choose the template model taking into account the connection between remote events, knowledge of the principles and features of the model.Forecasts are used by many people. Important predictions as storm warnings are vital, as they are used to protect life and property. Projections of temperature and precipitation are important for agriculture and, therefore, even for traders in the stock markets. Every day people use weather forecasts to decide what to wear. Forecasts of rain, snow and strong winds are used for planning and outdoor recreation.