Most frequent orders, received by Concierge Group, are those that are associated with travelling. This kind of requests usually makes about 80%. It may be any kind of services ranging from personal assistance in obtaining visas and passports, booking hotels up to renting Hummers, limousines, charters, ships and yachts. Anything you say in Kiev or Ukraine is absolutely not a problem for us.
The remaining 20% are usually divided between the orders of various issues. It can be orders for booking of the VIP-sky boxes at the soccer match or booking tickets for motor rally, private concerts etc. In addition, such services as flower delivery, taxi service, gifts selection and booking tables in elite restaurants are also very popular. But unusual orders make about 1% of the total quantity. This percentage includes the most incredible orders and requests that are rather complicated to be carried out. Someone wants to rent the sport track in order to drive his car there, someone needs to bring an elephant to the cottage, and someone wants to fly over Kiev in a balloon — thanks to the huge number of personal contacts and established networks, the staff of Concierge Group is able to meet and assist with the most fantastic wishes in Kiev and throughout Ukraine. This is due to the fact that we are the best personal assistant and nothing is impossible for our specialists in Kiev or in Ukraine!