Big buses
Big buses | Seats | Hire with driver | Transfers | 1 km. across Ukraine |
Neoplan Starliner or similar | 50 pax + luggage | Upon request | Upon request | Upon request |
Prices are actual for Kiev and Ukraine, in other cities and countries prices can be different.
Buses with a capacity from 35 to 67 people relate to categories of vehicles of high (35-45) and very extra-capacity (over 45). Length can make from 8 to 17 meters. According to the purpose they are subdivided on:
- local connection;
- tourist;
- long-distance;
- excursion.
Also the buses exceeding criteria of capacity of 22 passengers are divided into three classes:
- having the design, allowing free movement of passengers along the salon;
- having the design allowing sedentary places and 1-2 standing;
- the design provided only sedentary places.
Our buses: Neoplan 116, Mercedes-Benz Tourizmo, Neoplan Star Liner or similar. All our buses in excellent condition.