Theaters of Kiev
Concierge Group is always happy to provide you with the latest news in theaters of Kiev. We will assist you how to book and buy tickets into the theaters of Kiev.

History of dramatic art in Kiev is rich and variety. It takes the beginning in the times of ancient Kievan Rus. Today in Kyiv there are 33 permanent theaters and 10 of them have the status of a national theater. The most famous theaters are the Tchaikovsky’s National Music Academy of Ukraine, The National Philharmonic of Ukraine, Franco’s National Academic Drama Theatre, Shevchenko’s National Academic Drama Theater of Opera and Ballet, National Academic Theater of Russian Drama, National Palace of Arts «Ukraine», Ukraine National House of Organ and Chamber Music and others. In short, they make a great contribution to the cultural life of Ukraine’s capital.
Of course, guests of our city can not visit all theaters at once, and this is not necessary, because it is a big number of different theaters in Kiev for all tastes. That’s why we will gladly help you to find a theater that will be most interesting for you.