Elite Dating Club
meetings / accompaniment / travel / dates /
Our advantages
11 years of organizing the best dating
More than 300 profiles of club members
Over 50 countries involved
Over 30 daily dating
Unforgettable dates
Romantic, candlelit dinner on the roof of the restaurant, a balloon flight, horse riding or an unforgettable trip on a yacht - our team will select the best offers and help you realize the most incredible ideas. You just need to choose the best option for you and enjoy an unforgettable evening in the company of a loved one.
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Find a soul mate
The company Concierge Group will help you to find the right person for you. It is enough to say your wish and give a brief description of your future soul mate and our specialist will select the necessary candidate for you and organize your first date.
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Dating with Celebrities
The company Concierge Group will arrange for you a personal meeting with a movie star, theater, music industry or sports in a romantic place and create an atmosphere that will have to dialogue. We guarantee that this evening will give you unforgettable emotions and vivid impressions.
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Dating and travel
Do you want to travel great and have new datings or contacts? With our company you will receive an individually selected matchmaking and a romantic tours according to all your desires! You will have new and pleasant experiences! We offer only an individual programs and the best prices for speed datings, matchmakings and romantic tours! We always ready to help you get your goal - to meet and find a real lady! Our team is here to help you have success!
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Business escort
The company Concierge Group will help you to organize business meetings, as well as business escorts. We will help you to choose a highly qualified driver, assistant for a presentation or a charming business partner for a business meeting. Business support gives you a chance to sign any contract in a short time and during the negotiations it will allow you to overbalance the balance in your favor!
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Send flowers or a gift
Concierge service is based on an individual approach to each client. Our experts take into account the tastes and preferences of your soul mate so it’s help to surprise every time in a new way. We will offer several options for a surprise, a gift or a bouquet for your beloved, which are made up taking into account her character, habits and desires. All that is required of you is to choose the best option.
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Become a model
Our goal is to attract professional models to participate in the Elite Dating Club. You are waiting for participation in elite events, escort of dignitaries, many new acquaintances and travel around the world.